General Caster v2.2 is now available. Four new integrations to cast formula results into item name and auto-increment a Number column. Try it now!


Formulas and use cases to solve common problems and get inspiration from

Formulas in this page include standard column references (i.e. {item's Date}).
Replace them with the text that appears when you click on the corresponding column button at the bottom of the formula composer.
From date to date

Scenario: when you set a date, set a due date after the number of working days set in another column

Requirements: two date columns

Integration: When any column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • TEXT: trasforms a date into YYYY-MM-DD format;
  • WORKDAY: adds working days to a date;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation.
From date to timeline

Scenario: when you set a date, set a timeline starting 7 days after and ending 21 days after

Requirements: one date column and one timeline column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • CONCATENATE: creates the from_date+to_date string accepted by Timeline column;
  • TEXT: trasforms a date into YYYY-MM-DD format;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation.
From birth date to next birthday

Scenario: when you set a birth date, set the next birthday

Requirements: two date columns

Integration: When any column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • CONCATENATE: builds the date attaching the current or next year to the monday and the day;
  • YEAR: gets the year from a date;
  • TODAY: gets the current date;
  • IF: if first statement is true, returns second value, third otherwise;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation;
  • RIGHT: gets n chars of text starting from end.
From timeline to timeline

Scenario: when you set a timeline, set another timeline shifted 14 days in the future

Requirements: two timeline columns

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • CONCATENATE: creates from_date+to_date string accepted by Timeline column;
  • TEXT: trasforms a date into YYYY-MM-DD format;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation;
  • LEFT: picks from_date from the from_date+to_date string;
  • RIGHT: picks to_date from the from_date+to_date string.
From number to rating

Scenario: add a rating based on budget amount

Requirements: one number column and one rating column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • IF: if first statement is true, returns second value, third otherwise.
From status to email

Scenario: set a clickable email address based on item's status

Requirements: one status column with "Tim" and "Jeff" values and one email column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • SWITCH: if first expression is equal to second value, returns thirds. If it's equal to fourths, returns fifths. Sixths otherwise.
From location to text

Scenario: retrieve address as text from location

Requirements: one location column and one text column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • RIGHT: gets n chars of text starting from end;
  • LEN: gets length of text;
  • FIND: finds position of first occurrence of char in text.
Occurrences in subitems

Scenario: count occurrences of "Apple" in any subitems column type

Requirements: one subitems summary column (to hide) and one number column

Integration: When any column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • LEN: gets length of text;
  • SUBSTITUTE: replaces text with other text.
From phone to WhatsApp

Scenario: create a link to send a WhatsApp message

Requirements: one phone column and one link column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • LEFT: gets n chars of text starting from beginning;
  • FIND: finds position of first occurrence of char in text;
  • CONCATENATE: creates the URL:title string to be casted into link column.
From timeline to working days

Scenario: get working dates between two dates

Requirements: one timeline column and one number column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • NETWORKDAYS: calculates working days between two dates;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation;
  • LEFT: picks from_date from the from_date+to_date string;
  • RIGHT: picks to_date from the from_date+to_date string.
From dates to working hours

Scenario: get working hours between two dates with times in a 09:00-18:00 (9AM-6PM) work schedule

Requirements: two date columns with time and one number column

Integration: When column changes, perform formula and cast result to column


  • NETWORKDAYS: calculates working days between two dates;
  • DATEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid date, you can then add or subtract days with a simple math operation;
  • TIMEVALUE: converts a column value into a valid time in a base-24 format;
  • IF: if first statement is true, returns second value, third otherwise;
  • MEDIAN: gets the median in a set of numbers;
  • MOD: gets the remainder of a division.
First Monday of the month

Scenario: set first Monday of the month as due date for a new task

Requirements: one date column

Integration: When an item is created, perform formula and cast result to column


  • TEXT: trasforms a date into YYYY-MM-DD format;
  • DATE: creates a date from year, month and day;
  • YEAR: gets the year from a date;
  • MONTH: gets the month from a date;
  • TODAY: gets the current date;
  • WEEKDAY: gets the week day from a date.
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